How to Upsell and Cross-Sell on Shopify – 4 Strategies With Examples

Chandler Olson
August 10, 2022
How to Upsell and Cross-Sell on Shopify – 4 Strategies With Examples
Let’s explore how to upsell, identify cross-selling opportunities and adopt various strategies.

How to Upsell and Cross-Sell

Upselling strategies encourage customers to buy something in addition to their original intended purchase. These methods work best for merchants who sell product bundles or have complementary products and want customers to discover more products that meet their preferences.

Upselling and cross-selling methods introduce customers to new relevant products and increase customer satisfaction. These strategies also increase cart value and boost revenue.

There are various ways to incorporate upselling strategies, such as the following:

  1. Offering bundle purchases
  2. Selling contemporary products
  3. Suggesting products that have an upgrade

These efforts can be offered on product pages, cart pages, and post-purchase upsells encouraged after the inital sale on the confirmation screen.

Of all of these strategies, a most powerful way to create these opportunities is through a Shopify app that integrates with your Shopify store, automating cross selling related or complementary products and tracking performance.

Strategies for Upselling

There are various upselling strategies to adopt and tools that help achieve this goal. Consider the following as a starting point.  

AI-Powered Recommendation

Technology has come a long way in refining processes, and artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful development. AI has the potential to automatically recommend the exact product that your shopper is most likely to add to their cart next.

A screenshot of a store utilizing the app's AI-powered recommendation technology.

For example, if a shopper adds a pair of blue flare denim trousers to their cart, then the AI may recommend a product with the same fit in a different color. The recommendation introduces the shopper to a similar product that already fits their style and size.

Offer a Discount

Customers love to save money when spending money. Store owners can appeal to the savvy spender by offering discounts on related products. There are various ways to offer a discount, such as offering discounted rates for additional products or offering a reduced price for the same product.

A screenshot of a store utilizing the app's discount offerings

For example, if a shopper adds a black, beaded bracelet to their cart, you can offer 15% off the price if they add a second one. Another option is to offer a discount after the purchase — for the exact same bracelet to be given as a gift or kept as a spare.

Cart Cross-Sell

Have you ever noticed that the leather belts are displayed next to the denim trousers in a physical store? Or that kitchen pans may be stocked alongside the spatula utensils? Online shop owners may not be able to stock items in this way, but cart cross-sell methods can be used to recommend products that are often bought and used together.

A screenshot of a store utilizing the app's cart cross-sell feature

For example, if a shopper adds several notebooks to their cart, you can recommend pairing the purchase with a set of pens at the checkout page. By suggesting items typically used together on the cart page, it encourages an impulse buy as a cross-sell.

Bundle Upsell

Bundling products together combines cross-selling and discount methods. By bundling similar items and offering discounted rates on the product page, the products become more appealing while increasing the chance of making a sale.

A screenshot of a store utilizing the app's bundle upsell feature

For example, on the product page listing a beanie, a pop-up advertising a discounted Trucker encourages an additional purchase. The discount is appealing, the products go well together, and both items are added to the cart from the product page.

In Cart Upsell & Cross-Sell

In Cart Upsell is a robust and dynamic Shopify app that offers laser targeted upsell and cross-sell opportunities. With AI-powered and 100% customizable offers, the tool increases sales, boosts conversion rates and is easy to use.

Are you ready to get started? Add In Cart Upsell to your Shopify store today!
Start Your Free 30-Day Trial on In Cart Upsell on Shopify Today!